Cassette 2 Side 2


Part of Abel Baptist Church Cemetery


Cassette 2 Side 2


Cassette 2 Side 2




Black Heritage in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina Collection


No Known Copyright


00:07--Benson describes the pictures that are located in his living room.

2:03--Megginson asks about voter registration and if the blacks voted when Mr. Benson was younger. Mr. Benson explains that it was not until the 1940's that blacks started to register to vote. Benson first attempted to vote in 1948 in Central, SC; a few white young men tore up his ballot in front of him. He still continues to vote but does so in Clemson, SC.

9:38--Mr. Benson discusses how few black men where voting at that time [1940's] but now the numbers are increasing.

10:20--Megginson explains that Prince White registered in 1890. He had three sons and also had an important role in the Masonic Lodge.

11:30--Mr. Benson explains that black Masonic Lodge's have different burial rituals than white lodges [he does not go into detail].

12:01--Megginson is describes the oak trees in the churchyard.

12:25--Megginson dictates a few measurements that he took the day before regarding cemetery one. The cemetery is sixty by ninety yards. He notes that the newest graves are by the road.

12:55--Mr. Benson and Mr. Megginson are located on the third row in cemetery two. There are three unmarked graves.

14:03--Megginson begins naming grave markers with Mr. Benson's help. Rosa Bet Hill [Bethill?] was born in 1903 but the death date is submerged underground. Mamie Simmons (1894-1933) was a member of the PBA [Burial Aids] Society. Rosa Preston (1882-1934) and daughter Berenice P. Jones (died in 1980) are buried next to each other.

17:56--Truman Brown Jones (1895-1983)--US Navy, WWI was Berenice P. Jones's husband.

18:40--Megginson continues to name from grave markers. Aaron Mansion [?] (1858-1939) and his wife raised Mattie Furgason (1913-1939) and her 8 other brothers and sisters after the death of their mother. John Watson (1880-1941) and John H. Dawson (1879-1950) were members of the PBA Society. Dean Nathan Reese died in 1980. Williams L. Earl lived from 1947 to 1985. They come across the marker of Polly Reid. Benson explains that Butler Reid was married twice; he had families with both Leah and Polly Reid.

28:59--Kato Sherman was one of the first clerks of Abel. Ann Elizabeth Jones (1921-1929) was the daughter of Minnie Bell Jones. Julia Reid (1902-1922) was the wife of Robert Reid.

32:34--Audio ends.