Cassette 4 Side 1


Part of Abel Baptist Church Cemetery


Cassette 4 Side 1


Cassette 4 Side 1




Black Heritage in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina Collection


No Known Copyright


00:39--Benson describes two stumps that used to be Oak trees in the west end near the rear of the church; his aunt Caroline Reese is buried between the two stumps.

1:51--Mr. Benson names grave sites starting in the west end of cemetery two, moving toward the east. Ralph Durham died in 1940. He was a cook in the SC 371 Infantry, 93rd Division. Martha Dawson (1883-1940) is the wife of John Dawson. Ms. Dawson was a member of the PBA.

2:58--Megginson states that he has come across a book in Anderson, SC called Black Business Men, and notes that many pages discuss the PBA Society.

3:52--Isaac Brown had a twin sister named Rebecca Brown. Charley Heets [?] died in 1939. He was a WWI veteran (Private in the 810 Pioneer Infantry).

6:01--David Dupree (1880-1940) was the Officer of Deacons at Abel Baptist. He was a PBA member and was related to Alec Dupree.

6:55--A large family plot contains Lula Simpson (1873-1948). Ms. Simpson is buried next to her son James (he predeceased her).

9:12--Sam Orr, husband of Maggie Walker, is buried close by. Laura Banks (1883-1948) was a PBA member and wife to John Banks. Mary Kay lived from 1882-1948. Lavonia Brown lived from 1871-1948.

12:02--Mr. Benson recalls the way John Henry Walker (1906-1959) was murdered by his brother-in-law. Mr. Walker's family still lives in the house where the incident took place.

13:45--Mae Bell Fuller (1909-1951) was the wife of George Fuller (1910-1952). Ms. Fuller was Isaac Butler's daughter.

15:56--Mr. Benson describes a large plot. Helen Williams Reid 1893-1958) was married to Robert M. Reid (died in 1975). Robert Reed's father was Butler Reid. Benson again describes the situation surrounding Butler Reid's two families. Anna Maxwell Reid (1911-1969) is also buried there. She married Toby Maxwell (from Pendleton); they had two children. Benson states that Maxwell's father was a white man [the white man's surname may not have been Maxwell].

21:09--Rebecca Reid Galliard Ludlow (1909-1980), and Sara Reid B. Kibler's father was Robert Reid. Kibler's husband is buried in Seneca. Rebecca died in a car accident.

24:14--William Cannon (1899-1983) was married to Vennie Cannon (1897-). Mr. Benson states that the Benson, Reese, and Cannon families are soon to hold a family reunion. Andel Elrod (1965-1986) was killed in a car accident.

27:20--Abel Baptist burned in 1928. Thereafter the parish met in a local schoolhouse until Golden View volunteered their church for meetings. Abel had service the second Sunday of every month at Golden View. The new church took nearly three years to rebuild (finished in 1931).

31:30--Mr. Benson recalls the death of William Cannon's daughter (she was around one when she died).

32:43--Audio ends.