Cassette 5 Side 1


Part of Abel Baptist Church Cemetery


Cassette 5 Side 1


Cassette 5 Side 1




Black Heritage in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina Collection


No Known Copyright


00:32--Jim Cannon has no marker and his death date is unknown, but Benson states that he died before he became the cemetery caretaker.

1:36--John C. Reese (1882-1951) was Mr. Benson's uncle. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge. Janie (Fruster) Reese (1888-1985) was his wife. John F. Fruster was her father; he worked in the mess hall at Clemson University. Mr. Benson lived with him and his family for a few years. James (1893-1953) and Gay Fruster (1895-1955) are Janie's brothers. Both were World War I veterans.

8:16--Rachel (Singleton) Walker died in 1956; she was married to Brady Walker. John Singleton was her father. Kate Haywood Reid (1887-1967) married Ed Reid (his father was Butler Reid). Kate's parents were Harrison and Lucy Haywood.

11:01--Susie Haywood (1899-1979) was longtime clerk of Abel Baptist. Her father Harrison Haywood is also buried at the church; he has no marker. He was a local farmer and the second clerk of the church. Jimmy Goldman and Kato Taylor were among the clerks that held the job previous to Harrison. Lucy E. Haywood was his wife. Their children were Susie and Harry Haywood. Susie became clerk of the church when her father died. She taught school in Central, South Carolina and was known for her beautiful handwriting. Her brother Harry (1892-1982) was in the US Army during World War I.

18:51--John Keasler, Jaddie Holmes (died 1951), and Mattie E. Williams (1912-1952) are buried near each other.

23:34--Isabelle Cannon Garvin lived from 1906 to 1953. Fleta Knowles (1888-1955) was from Atlanta, GA.

25:56--John C. Whitt was the son of Lucy Fruster Whitt. Lucy Whitt's father was John Fruster. The children of John Fruster are: Lucy, Janie, Ellen, Gideon, James, Gay, and John Jr.

29:13--Megginson mentions that they are identifying the next to last row of burials in cemetery two. Larrie Boggs (1893-1953) was a SC Private--Company M in World War I. Willie M. Boggs was his wife; she lived from 1900-1982 and was in the Eastern Star organization.

32:04--Audio ends.