Cassette 5 Side 2


Part of Abel Baptist Church Cemetery


Cassette 5 Side 2


Cassette 5 Side 2




Black Heritage in the Upper Piedmont of South Carolina Collection


No Known Copyright


1:11--Rev. George Hunter (1883-1956) was a local minister but did not belong to any particular church.

2:07--Janet Chriswell was a local missionary. Next to Chriswell is Mr. Benson's great aunt. She had three brothers: Jim, Hamp, and Wiles Reese.

4:01--Margaret Reese Harris (1895-1979) is Mr. Benson's first cousin on his mother's side. She was married to Melvin Harris.

5:30--Cemetery three is very well organized. There are markers at most of the grave sites; it has been is use for the previous twenty years.

6:39--Donal Lawson died in 1970. He is the first buried in cemetery three; he was married to Jane Lawson. William F. Shaw died in 1973, Pablos Shereann died in 1975.

8:21--Verdale Lamar Reese lived from 1971-1978. Jared D. Williams died in 1981. Michael James Penson (1985-1985) [lived 2 months] is also buried in cemetery three. Jenny Lee's child is buried there as well; she lived only two months.

11:59--Mr. Benson and Mr. Megginson head into the church to look at the records.

12:43--Audio ends.