Cassette 2 Side 1


Part of James Benson Interview




Cassette 2 Side 1




James Benson Interview, December 8, 1989


No Known Copyright


Cassette 2

Side 1

00:06--Mr. Benson continues to talk about marriage relationships. Families get along better when the couples both have respect for each other.

1:23--Benson explains that there were few black/white romantic relationships that he knew of. The children of interracial couples were picked on more than blacks; he recalls one child that ran away from home.

6:02--Mr. Benson believes that Native Americans in the area were more respected than blacks.

8:42--He recalls that the family would take a trip to Greenville, South Carolina once a year for the circus.

11:48--The community celebrated 4th of July and Thanksgiving. The church would donate food to the poor during these holidays. Christmas was not as a big deal but they would celebrate it.

20:08--Mr. Benson recalls that the happy period in his life was when he had no real responsibilities.

21:43--Meacham asks if being black affected him. Mr. Benson explains that he did not think it was wrong how people sometimes treated him because he did not know any better.

24:29--Benson recalls the construction of Clemson College. The college employed many blacks for free labor during that time period. Mr. Benson wasn't paid much at Clemson University but enjoyed the work. He would work there after harvest. He was paid $1.28 an hour and over time got a raise to $1.50 an hour.

31:59--Mr. Benson would not change anything in his life because God has a path for him.

32:31--Audio ends.