Cassette 1 Side 2


Part of Clotell Brown Interview




Cassette 1 Side 2




Clotell Brown Interview, June 26, 1990


No Known Copyright


Cassette 1

Side 2

00:10--Brown explains her involvement with Kings Chapel AME church. She has been a member since she was fifteen years old. Kings Chapel was the largest black church in the area. Rev. Daniel was the first minister she remembers. The extended family of Mrs. Brown attends Kings Chapel and Mountain Springs.

02:15--Kings Chapel cemetery was located in the north side of Pendleton. The church held camp meetings yearly. Mrs. Brown ran tables, which means she cooked and sold food all day long. She prepared fish, chicken, ice cream, and sandwiches (sold for $0.50 each). The camp meetings were held in the summer and were normally two days long.

5:31--Mrs. Brown recalls singing conventions. She would attend them with her sister. They were held about three times a year, and normally lasted one to two days. She was in the choir at her church and sang soprano.

10:18--Education--She attended Oak Grove School; a one room log house that utilized a stove for heat. Mr. John Coleson was her teacher. She attended school until sixth grade when she stopped and got married at the age of seventeen. The school year was three months long; the day lasted from 9am to 3pm. There was an hour lunch break at 12. A new school was built and it was much nicer. Mandy Crawford was the teacher. Mrs. Brown's mother did not attend school but her father did.

19:36--Mrs. Brown's children were the first to attend college in the family. Her baby sister did complete high school.

21:18--The books and newspapers that were at Ms. Brown's house included the bible and the Anderson Independent.

22:36--Mrs. Brown recalls that the white schools were much nicer, bigger, and had better books. They also went to school for longer semesters during the year.

24:00--When Mrs. Brown's father died, she received 25 acres of land. Mrs. Brown and her husband gave some of it to her uncles.

26:20--Mrs. Brown has taken care of 26 children total, including her children and grandchildren.

26:54--Brown's father was a member of the Masonic Lodge and was also an Art Fellow. Leaders of those groups included Peter Webb, Bob Johnson, and Jim Watkins.

32:11--Audio ends.