Cassette 3 Side 2


Part of Velma Childers Interview




Cassette 3 Side 2




Velma Childers Interview, January 4 and 8, 1990


No Known Copyright


Cassette 3

Side 2

00:14--Mrs. Childers describes the process of making homemade butter.

2:05--Her mother's favorite hobbies were cooking and sewing.

2:44--She mentions some of her favorite relatives and her happiest childhood memories.

5:30--She shares her feelings on growing up as a black in the South. She really didn't think much about it until she was around ten years old. It was at this time that she started asking questions why whites had certain advantages such as riding on a bus to school as opposed to walking, etc.

10:14--If she could have changed anything about her life, she would have rather lived in a place where there were better opportunities for blacks.

12:00--Mrs. Childers taught school for 36 years in such schools as Oakway, Westminster, and Fairplay. She retired in 1966.

18:30--She was married in March of 1928.

19:00--She and her husband bought 14 acres of land for $300 and built a house on the property.

26:45--Mrs. Childers gives closing remarks.

28:08--Harrell thanks her for the interview.

28:14--Audio ends.