Cassette 3 Side 1


Part of Allen Code Interview




Cassette 3 Side 1




Allen Code Interview, April 20, 1989; June 1990


No Known Copyright


Cassette 3 (June 1990)

Side 1

00:30--Tape II of Yolanda Harrell's interview--tape III overall--camp meetings were multi-denominational events.

2:05--Mr. Code occasionally attended singing conventions. These were held more frequently in the summer and usually lasted only one day. One of his favorite church songs was Trust and Obey.

4:30--Did blacks and whites ever worship together? He believes that the Pentecostals may have had mixed services occasionally.

5:57--School/Education--he was around six years old when he started his education at Pinewood Elementary. There was a large hall upstairs with three schoolrooms downstairs. There were three teachers for the three classrooms. The children wrote on slates and sat on pew-benches. The school day lasted from 9am-3pm. Lunch was brought from home. From the seventh grade onward, he attended Kendall Institute in Sumter, SC. Mr. Code names some of his siblings and their education. Mr. Code himself attended Temple University for one year, where he was third in his class. He graduated from Benedict College in 1935 with a degree in Biology. He then went on to receive a Masters in Education from the University of Michigan in 1955.

31:37--Audio ends.